The tag brought tears to my eyes it was so perfect and beautiful. I wasn’t expecting this sort of treatment from a company but they truly make an effort to show they care about their customers. I emailed back in hopes I would be able to place a new order- this time around they not only were extremely quick at responding (first time was my fault) but they shared the kindest words when they found out my dog had actually passed. I saw their response too late and they had processed the transaction and had started sending me the tag. I emailed customer support and they responded back with clarification of the new name. After I placed the order I realized I wanted to redo one of the nicknames. I wasn’t expecting this sort of treatment My baby Izzy passed away three weeks ago today, I purchased a name tag for her with her nicknames on the back so I can have something with her name on it every day. Do Not Separate Emotional Support Animal and Handler Team ID Card. I emailed customer support and they responded back with clarification of the new name. Service Dog Custom ID Card - Star of Life Badge. For Trained Service Dogs Only Circular Aluminum Tag Included Split Ring & S-Hook Quantity + Add To Cart Product Description Videos The Service Dog ID Tag is a great option for informing people that your dog is a service dog. My baby Izzy passed away three weeks ago today, I purchased a name tag for her with her nicknames on the back so I can have something with her name on it every day. Service Dog ID Tag 12.00 Font Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 It takes up to 2 business days to customize your tag. My Pet Prescriptions My Pet Prescriptions CarePlus Pet Insurance and Wellness Plans.